Tuesday, March 21, 2017

That one with zone conference #3

Hola Hola everybody!!! Como estamos?? I hope everyones been good and enjoying the up and coming spring weather up north. i however am preparing myself for my first fall in what seems like forever hahaha.
This week went by fast again and for the most part i dont even remember what we did haha. We had a zone conference where we all get together with other missioanries and our President and his wife and we talk aout how we can improve the work and how we can help more basically and take care of one another, its like a strengthening seminar basically. it was super good, always leave those things feeling uplifted and ready to take on the world. We're gearing up for the Easter season where so many of us remeber our Savior Jesus Christ and his Resurrection from the grave. Theres a sweet initiative thats coming out called #PrinceofPeace and it is so cool so just stand by for the videos that will be coming out soon!
We are working well and this week we are preparing to baptize this girl named Javiera whose 8 and is super ready and super faithful in Jesus and the she knows its the true church. Her testimony is so cute and strong that it just goes to show that anyone can believe and know for themselves the truth, if they just have faith and try. 

i dont have much else to say, it was a good week and ill be sending pics of the baptism next week! for now i hope you all are well and have a great week! Much love! the Church is true!

Love, Elder Carlos Cabrera

facts of the week:
1. whenever you ask "como esta?" (hope i dont need to translate) soooo many people just respond with "aqui estamos" which literally just means "here we are" like that doesnt really answer my question....
2. Chileans have this tendency to say "no mas" (no more) after almost everything even when it doesnt make sense, example in english, serve yourself no more, you have to call him no more, wash your clothes no more...apparently that makes sense in spanish
3. the dog owners here only let their male dogs leave the house, if they let their female dogs out for a bit, odds are theyll come back pregnant


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